TIMS Route Information - Mainland Division - Line Section ARKPComrails Logo

TIMS Route Information - Mainland Division - Line Section ARKP

* - Where signals are exhibited.   + - Applies only "when" speed restriction boards are exhibted.   O - Subject to progressive alteration of location during the week.   F - Flagman in attendance.
Line Section:ARKP
AN Subdivision:Mainland
Route Number:22
ASTRI Route_1501260
ASTRI Route_2501230

Speed Restriction:+
From:198 KmTo:189 Km
Current from:16.06.1989Cancel Date:11.12.1989
Entered Date:15.06.1989Entered Time:13:39:99
Location From:501260 Location To:501250
Maximum Speed40Maximum Speed A0

Speed Restriction Reason:
Current from:16.06.1989
Entered Date:15.06.1989
Entered Time:13:39:99