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Some Links

The following links may have some additional information related to the rollingstock recorded on the ComRails site:

Commercial Rail Operations

Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions (formerly known as Great Southern Rail)
Operator of the Ghan, Indian Pacific and Overland service using former Commonwealth, South Australia and Australian National Rollingstock.
Adelaide Metro
Operator of the suburban system in Adelaide. It is the Government owned suscessor to the South Australian Railways suburban operation.

Historic and Tourist Rail Operations

National Railway Museum Port Adelaide
The National Railway Museum Port Adelaide houses the largest undercover collection of locomotives, passenger carriages and freight vehicles in South Australia. All three railway gauges used in South Australia are represented. The collection comprises steam engines and the diesel locomotives and railcars which replaced them.

The National Railway Museum Port Adelaide was former called Port Dock Station Railway Museum.

The Australian Railway Historical Society (SA Division) operated the Victor Harbor Tourist Railway. They have an extensive collectionof former South Australian Railway Rollingstock.
Pichi Richi Railway
Operate out of Quorn, South Australia with an extensive collection of former South Australian and Commonwealth Railways rollingstock.

Other Rail Information

Rail Page
The best place to start if you are searching for information about rail operations in Australia. It is the host site for ComRails.
They support the TRAINZ system. Has some useful photographs and drawings.
The drawings of the former Australian National/South Australian Railways and Commonwealth Railways of Australia are available to the Public. Inteltrans, who manage these drawings, have a web site that contains indexes and some samples.
The Internet Railroad Directory - Over 3,800 rail-related links, search engine, forum, ICQ List, and more!
Derby Sulzer
Site contains information about Sulzer, including information about the Commonwealth Railway NSU and NT locomotives.